Let your guest try their hand at a popular game they may have tried at a carnival or fair. It’s a fun but challenging attraction that makes the perfect addition for your next big event, fundraiser, festival or company party. It’s also easy to set up and take down, with a carrying case and six colored bean bags provided.
Game play is easy to learn and fun to try! Players stand at a designated distance from the Clowning Around game, which has four rows of clown faces that people try to knock over by throwing a bean bag. You can change the distance depending on the age and skill level of players. But at any level, it’s fun to “clown around” like you would on a midway carnival, trying to win a prize by knocking down the most clowns.
You can also set the point value of each row of clowns at a different value, giving people more points for knocking down clowns on the top levels. However you set it up, Clowning Around provides a simple but fun carnival-style game that is sure to please the crowd at your next big event. Put a little midway excitement into your next party!