Are you looking for a unique table-top carnival game that’s fun for all ages? Add Flap Attack to your selection of challenging games sure to delight your guests. Just because you don’t have room for bowling lanes doesn’t mean you can’t offer the laughs and challenges bowling provides.
The object of Flap Attack is to roll the mini bowling ball past each score flap without passing all of them! Roll the ball too hard, and you’ll strike out, earning no points as it flies past all the flaps. Guests will try again and again to roll the ball juuust right, so it lands on one of the points flaps. Those who get really good at the game will be able to roll the ball all the way to the 100-score flap without going too far.
The Flap Attack table-top game is perfect for school carnivals, community events, and other parties that will benefit from the easy table set up and compact size. The game come with 2 balls and large parts bag with lanyard. Contact Air Fun today to find out about Flap Attack and other games available for your event.